I conceive of a painting as a contemplative pause, “a place” where I can find calm and
I paint an inner dimension, a door to a free space into which meditation leads me.
White is the sum of all colors, just as silence encompasses all words. In this dimension of inner silence I perceive Life through glimpses of consciousness innocently revealing itself.
In a painting as in space I seek the dimension of ‘Emptiness/Fullness,” that feeling of Mindfullness that welcomes us, a fluid and harmonious space where we find ourselves, ready to welcome
the beauty of imperfection.
I seek the lightness in which our soul finds itself! In addition to matter we are also made of heaven!
In every present moment we can find within ourselves the Infinity.
I conceive of a painting as a contemplative pause, “a place” where I can find calm and
I paint an inner dimension, a door to a free space into which meditation leads me.
White is the sum of all colors, just as silence encompasses all words. In this dimension of inner silence I perceive Life through glimpses of consciousness innocently revealing itself.
In a painting as in space I seek the dimension of ‘Emptiness/Fullness,” that feeling of Mindfullness that welcomes us, a fluid and harmonious space where we find ourselves, ready to welcome
the beauty of imperfection.
I seek the lightness in which our soul finds itself! In addition to matter we are also made of heaven!
In every present moment we can find within ourselves the Infinity.
I conceive of a painting as a contemplative pause, “a place” where I can find calm and
I paint an inner dimension, a door to a free space into which meditation leads me.
White is the sum of all colors, just as silence encompasses all words. In this dimension of inner silence I perceive Life through glimpses of consciousness innocently revealing itself.
In a painting as in space I seek the dimension of ‘Emptiness/Fullness,” that feeling of Mindfullness that welcomes us, a fluid and harmonious space where we find ourselves, ready to welcome
the beauty of imperfection.
I seek the lightness in which our soul finds itself! In addition to matter we are also made of heaven!
In every present moment we can find within ourselves the Infinity.